Community Actio
A digital community on topics involving business management and its processes; the challenges faced by managers from different segments, the technologies applied in the search for improvements, good practices in the use of indicators, among others.
A única comunidade digital com benchmarking online !

Recursos que você encontra na comunidade Actio

On various topics of interest to the community.

Community members meet online to share and debate processes and indicators.

Spreadsheet where the indicators discussed in benchmarking are documented.

Space for Actio customers for questions and suggestions.
How it works?
- The Actio Digital Community is divided into groups, by segment. For example: Hospital Management Group, Financial Risk Management, Management in the Food Industry;
- Você pode participar de qualquer grupo que seja de seu interesse e inclusive, sugerir a criação de novos grupos enviando um e-mail para:;
- You will be able to interact in the community by participating in benchmarkings, debates and forums that are taking place and also commenting on publications made by administrators or other members of the community;
- In addition to all this, you can enjoy all published material, such as research, documentaries, interviews, articles, infographics, videos, among others.
How do I register?
1. Click the button below to be directed to the registration form:
2. Clique no botão “Cadastre-se” e preencha o formulário:
3. Visit the community page:
Do you have any questions or suggestions?
Entre em contato conosco.
Yimara Gonzalez
+55 (16) 9 9706-0053