New strategic management models under debate
Transformations in the strategic management process caused by technological innovations and the new dynamics of the economy
Transformations in the strategic management process caused by technological innovations and the new dynamics of the economy
Stratec is starting to hold the Strategic Management Lecture Cycle in several states across the country.
Atual Empresarial – a management consultancy company that partners with Stratec – is launching its new identity
The outsourcing of strategic areas in franchise networks has emerged as a market trend.
Event brings together the public sector and small businesses: Registration for “Fomenta Nacional 2011” is now open.
The schedule of events organized by Stratec to promote “Strategic Management”.
Brazil gained five positions in the recently released World Economic Forum competitiveness ranking.
Entenda porque a figura do fundador é, certamente, um dos componentes fundamentais da identidade de uma empresa familiar.
Stratec now has a price registration record for the Strategic Management software.
The 6th edition of the Global Risk Meeting takes place on September 12th, in the capital of Ceará.
Tips for planning your business budget: The 6th edition of the Global Risk Meeting takes place on September 12th, in the capital of Ceará.
Meddle Finance and Business, a partner of Stratec, was the sponsor of the recent edition of “Café da Manhã” by Assespro/ RJ