Do you know how to manage a project in your company and turn great ideas into concrete results? This is essential for any business, right?
The project management area is responsible for using the tools, knowledge, skills, and other resources necessary to execute innovative ideas, shaping what was once only on paper.
Com um bom gerenciamento de projetos, eles tendem a ser concluídos com sucesso, e a empresa consegue manter-se competitiva no mercado. Quer saber como conseguir tudo isso? Então continue lendo esse artigo com dicas de como gerenciar um projeto, para que você possa começar a executar o quanto antes!
What you will find on this blog:
ToggleTry to set specific goals
It is very common that there are still entrepreneurs without specific objectives, and this is a mistake. For example, the company plans to expand its customer network by the end of the year.
Tente encontrar uma meta determinada para isso, ampliar seus investimentos em captação de clientes em um determinado prazo, por exemplo. Isso vai ajudar a definir quais são as tarefas necessárias e os custos necessários, pois isso será fundamental para o controle de resultados.
Scope planning before activity
The scope is the definition of the project objectives, the expected results, and the work to be done. Leaving them aside is like packing without knowing the destination of the trip, the probability that everything will go wrong is very high!
A definição do escopo ajuda a evitar que as equipes dos projetos percam tempo e recursos resolvendo problemas que fogem da sua alçada, garantindo a segurança da equipe, do percurso e, consequentemente, o sucesso do projeto.
Understand the purpose of your project
A capacidade de entender por que seu projeto é importante para a organização e como ele se encaixa no planejamento estratégico geral da empresa, é um componente essencial para seu sucesso.
The ability to relate the success of your project to all the objectives and strategies of the organization is an effective way to increase the dedication, morale, motivation, and sense of importance of team members.
Além disso, ao compreender e internalizar qual o propósito do seu projeto, fica mais claro onde você quer chegar e o que deve fazer para alcançar os objetivos estabelecidos.
Make a project schedule
There is no way to plan a project without a set schedule. It will determine the deadline for the execution of the project and for each activity to be carried out. The intent of the schedule is to segment the project into steps and determine the approximate time to complete each of these steps.
The more detailed the schedule, the greater the chances of project success. This avoids detours, delays, unforeseen events and wasted time.
Try to be reasonable about deadlines – not too short, not too long. Consider the peculiarities of each team.
Don’t neglect the budget
How much will your project cost? This is the fundamental question to ask yourself during project control. After all, without money to finance it, it will hardly be done. Therefore, you must determine the value to be assigned to each stage of the project. Try to control all expenses to avoid unnecessary expenses.
Esteja sempre ciente de quanto, quando e como o dinheiro está sendo gasto. E lembre-se: não gaste mais do que aquilo que você possui. Orçamento é uma peça fundamental nesse momento!
Hold regular meetings with your team
A very important tip on how to plan a project has to do with transparency, one of the essential factors for the efficient conduct of work.
For you to achieve your project goals, it is important to know how to communicate with teams, organize meetings, and make sure they understand the steps and the importance of each employee to a successful outcome.
Therefore, during the execution of the project, reserve one day of the week to discuss the progress of the work, clarify doubts, align points, and make the necessary adjustments. This avoids low productivity and promotes integration among all those involved in the project.
Know the strengths and weaknesses of your team
The success of a project is highly dependent on the skills of the team members. An effective leader must know the strengths and weaknesses inherent in each of the members of her team to assign tasks more assertively, taking this into consideration.
Leveraging the strengths of team members is sure to ensure faster task completion and better time management. With everyone on a team doing their best and making the most of their strengths, the project tends to be successful.
Automate some tasks
Uma maneira interessante de otimizar tempo, e também recursos humanos, é por meio da automação de tarefas, principalmente aquelas consideradas repetitivas.
There is software to use to your advantage in organizing your team. In a practical and efficient way, you can streamline communication between work teams, reduce procedural bureaucracy, improve the quality of task delivery, and make project control more efficient.
Rate your project
The last item on our list of project management tips has to do with the most important step in a project: conclusion!
At the end of the project, it is interesting that you evaluate everything that has been done, considering the mistakes and the successes. Through this analysis, you will know what to do and what not to do in future projects, you will obtain information on the execution steps and experience in handling future situations.
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