Stratec is bringing to the market a renewed version of “Strategic Management”. The software, which stands out as a cutting-edge tool for helping with business management planning, had its new version made available to customers and promises to make the lives of those who use the tool even easier.
According to Stratec's executive director, Guilherme Barbassa, an important difference of the new tool is the design that is lighter and more modern and facilitates user interaction. “We are aware that design has an expiration date and this new tool was developed because we understand the need to make our software more current. Furthermore, we are sure that it also better reflects Stratec’s philosophy and values”, comments Barbassa.
Designer Bruno Pacheco, who was responsible for the visual identity of the new software, says that one of the major concerns of the design stage was precisely adapting the tool to Stratec's visual identity. The biggest advantages of the new tool's layout, in Bruno's view, are the unity of colors and shapes that make viewing the software more pleasant, as well as some possibilities for customizing the system by the user. Space optimization and ease of access to some functions were also designed to make the program more functional.
Stratec's executive director also recalls that this is the second major remodeling carried out in the program, whose first version dates back to 2005 and had previously been renewed in 2008. “This type of policy is part of our concern with continuous improvement for better serve those who use our service”, says Guilherme Barbassa.