So,According to a study by the Getulio Vargas Foundation , work at home increased 30% after the pandemic in Brazil. Faced with such a drastic change in the routine of workers the question now on the minds of professionals is: how to increase work productivity while working from home?
Although remote work in companies can bring comfort to their employees, not all of them have become used to it. Thus, it ends up being common for them not to set precise limits between their spaces and times dedicated to pleasure and those that are exclusively for work.
That is why here are some strategies and ideas about this revolution in the way of working; the purpose is that you and/or the personnel of your company start applying them today and, through constant practice, you can perfect your work performance and make better use of the available time.
What you will find on this blog:
ToggleHow to increase your productivity at home office?
If you feel and recognize that your time spent working from home does not pay off, or that it could be more efficient than it is, you already have a starting point. de In the end, it is also true that not everyone is adapted to this disruptive system, and you need to gain experience along that process. That is why it is essential to keep trying to improve your performance, without worrying.
Learning takes time, but also you need to discipline and organize yourself. By using the right resources, you will surely discover that remote work has its pleasurable side. It is important that you consider making the necessary improvements, since increasingly more companies have been deciding to keep their employees working at home indefinitely, even if the social distancing is no longer so restrictive and mandatory.
To achieve greater productivity under these new rules of the game, get to know the strategies recommended by home office professionals , some of them with more years of experience than us, as they have been working this way since long before the pandemic.
1. Organize your space
Whatever area you work in, it needs to be clean and always organized. Too many objects on the table or desk end up being distracting. For this reason, we recommend you choose what you will need to have at the reach of your hands, keep near only what will be useful in the development of your tasks.
If possible, make your workspace excusive for conducting your job activities, and nothing else; the same applies to the surrounding environment. Avoid visual pollution, remove all clothes, dishes, children’s toys, books, etc. strewn around. Otherwise, you will get up angry from the chair with the intention of fixing the mess or arguing with the people living with you. Before starting the day, we recommend you organize and clean your space, intended exclusively for work.
2. Wear different clothes every day
Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you have to wear pajamas all day. Try to dress in clothes that make you feel neat, clean, and ready for your activities.
If you like, you can even wear a proper makeup, this will motivate you to activate the webcam in videoconferences,which will make you pay better attention.
3. Abstain completely from social networks
Unless your job functions have a direct relationship with social networks, under no circumstances you should use the working time to browse, chat or surf the Internet to distract yourself from your tasks. Even if it is a valid form of leisure and relaxing during a break and it is important to stay in contact with family and friends, or simply to find out what is going on, this habit ends up affecting our productivity.
Use Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok or any other social network only in your free time, such as breaks, lunchtime, or after you have finished your workday.
4. Take advantage of automation technology
Technology can also help us automate tasks. Whether through applications, strategic management softwareplugins or any tech resource that helps us save and manage time, you must take advantage.
For example, you can look for a software to check your spelling or grammar; or set alerts on your cellphone to fulfill future tasks and commitments on time; or schedule sending of important e-mails and use templates in your answers. We could make a thorough list of tech resources which will help you save time and keep yourself organized, which in the short term will lead to greater productivity in your work.
5. Keep good communication
Never lose the communication routine that you had with your teammates, bosses, managers, suppliers, or customers before the pandemic started. Even if it is remotely, try to be transparent and constant in your communication with them, to keep your team informed and updated. To ease the process, find a best periodicity to call them or schedule virtual meetings. This will allow you to update each interlocutor on any relevant situation they need to know about (progress of your projects, difficulties in any activity, unforeseen circumstances, etc.).
Tenha organização no trabalho também nesses momentos. Evite chamadas que não sejam necessárias para não perder a produtividade. No entanto, esteja alinhado com sua equipe para fazer boas entregas e ter ótimos resultados conjuntos.
In an ever-changing scenario such as the current one, the traditional work dynamics have changed forever, they will not be as it was back in 2019. However, and although it is a challenge not to have a physical office to delimit spaces and times, keeping a high performance of the home office we perform is not something unrealistic or alien to our possibilities.
If we follow these recommendations, increasing our productivity as home office workers will no longer be a puzzle. So, let’s put these ideas into practice and quickly maximize all the performance we are capable of while working from home.
If you are interested in learning how you could automate a wide range of activities in your company, learn more about our solutions to increase your productivity and improve your company’s results.!