Expressions such as “time is money” or “how much is each hour of your time worth?” allow us to see that, nowadays, time is a valuable resource; because it measures our productivity. Thus, automation process can have enormous importance in the life of companies and organizations, because they allow to replace manual actions by technology.
Today, the Internet is the world’s largest business development tool. By using it in the right way, it is possible to save time and money to get ahead of the competition, thus bringing advantages to the growth of our organization. But how can we achieve an action of this size? What is the best strategy to succeed? The response lies in the technology itself, which answers these questions.
In today’s article we will talk about the about the automation process and its advantages. Keep reading and see why the statements goal is to make are true. Enjoy the read!
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ToggleAutomation processes
We are so involved and surrounded by the most varied technologies that we have forgotten how, until not so long ago, everything was produced manually. What today takes two hours to make, took two or three times as long back then. Knowing this, it became necessary to have innovative processes.
The automation process is the replacement of manual procedures by technological ones, to streamline processes and results, during their course and until the end of them. The goal is to make manual activities com o objetivo de acelerar os processos e os resultados durante o seu percurso e ao final deles. O intuito é tornar as atividades manuais cada vez mais independentes da interação humana e erradicar os erros.
Nós vivemos em um mundo no qual os deveres exigem tanto que não levar a nossa realidade para se aliar com o que a tecnologia oferece é um grande risco, tanto para as empresas de todos os portes, quanto para a vida como um todo.
Types of process automation:
1 – Chatbots:
O Chatbot consiste em um robô que se comunica via chat, tanto por redes sociais quanto nos sites de várias empresas. Desta forma, o the automation process helps to provide a “humanized service experience”.
This is because it reproduces an interaction very similar to the one that would take place between real human beings. Best of all, this technology is available to customers 24 hours a day through a digital platform.
2 – PBM:
For organizations that want to mature and unify their processes, there is the BPM (Business Process Management) system, which works with a focus on people, making it easier for employees to use it within the company.
With this system it is possible to measure, execute, analyze, and optimize each of your processes. The success of the system depends on the information entered, which confirms that human work is still as important as the technology of the system itself, since it depends on the information input.
3 – Scripts:
As its name suggests, the script is a set of instructions that coordinate certain activities. Thus, an automation script is a list of tasks complemented with a series of other steps, conditions, and reactions to perform a task in an automatic and practical way.
Thus speeding up projects without the direct intervention of people.
Process automation in organizations
Can you imagine the chaos installed in a company that has not yet adhered to automation processes? Think, for example, of the projects to be delivered, the plans to be drawn up, the company overview; all, without the help of an artificial intelligence or data management program. It would be impossible, don’t you think? The consequences would be tragic; the delays, noticeable, and the costs, even greater.
That is why process automation surgiu: para resolver os problemas e proporcionar um dinamismo prático. Essa inovação traz muitos benefícios para as organizações, concedendo maior produtividade aos colaboradores, que passam a destinar seu tempo para atividades mais estratégicas. Learn more about the advantages:
When a company manages to increase its productivity in a healthy, practical, and straightforward way, it manages to reduce creation and delivery time; it also manages to deliver greater results and take what is perhaps the most valuable step in the life of companies: anticipation. This generates great benefits, such as the establishment of como métricas, resultados, e definições de prazos, which allow to maximize the automation processes.
Data interchange
Uma das vantagens de implementar a automação de processos no seu negócio é interligar todos os dados de uma empresa e deixá-los à disposição de todos os setores. Isto torna os processos de buscas mais prático e eficaz, pois se fossem feitas manualmente demandariam muitas horas, além de facilitar o acesso de setores variados a um único banco de dados a fim de promover soluções ou fazer algum tipo de consulta para análises cotidianas.
Secure management
Due to the transparency of the processes and the low error rate, process automation provides organized and centralized information, allowing managers to have a secure understanding of the information delivered, so that assertive decisions can be made without fear of failure.
Through the agility of the processes and the efficiency of the people involved in your strategic activities, the goal is to make your company stand out in the market by offering fast and well-optimized services that put your organization ahead in terms of competitiveness.
Os softwares de gestão são ótimos para definir e mostrar prazos. Por isso, é sempre possível saber quando um projeto começa e quando ele fica pronto, além, é claro, da média de tempo que é gasto em cada projeto.
With efficient deadline management, it becomes possible to manage new jobs with clarity and organization, meeting demands more efficiently.
Metrics analysis
Analyzing metrics and results is essential to know the status of the company’s internal processes and external activities. Actions will be taken according to real and accurate data, so it becomes relevant to act assertively.
To learn more about this and other systems, contact Actio. We are present in more than seven countries, and we help hundreds of companies to systematize management practices in a simple, standardized and continuous way, allowing the analysis of KPIs to generate positive results in organizations.
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