Artificial Intelligence in Strategic Business Management

Understand how artificial intelligence can bring results to your management

  • Strategic Management: how to do the basics well
  • Main mistakes when executing the strategy
  • How to implement AI in your company’s processes

The 10 most impactful questions about business strategic planning

Discover the main difficulties and doubts regarding business planning and how to solve them

  • The key steps to develop an effective strategic plan;
  • The tools and methodologies most commonly used in the strategic planning process;
  • The primary challenges faced by companies during the implementation of the strategic plan;
  • How to monitor and evaluate the progress of the strategic plan over time, among others.

How to minimize the impacts of negative risks

Understand how to conduct effective risk management in your company.

  • Why manage risks  
  • What is and what isn’t risk management 
  • How to conduct effective risk management 
  • How software can help you

The 10 most impactful questions about risk management

Learn about the main pains faced by risk managers and how to solve them.

  • Why manage risks  
  • What is and what isn’t risk management 
  • How to conduct effective risk management 
  • How software can help you

How to maintain a high organizational climate

Understand the advantages of investing in management models to ensure a high-performance organizational climate in your company

  • Evolution of performance management
  • Performance management vs Organizational climat
  • Benefits of management models
  • Techniques to enhance performance management

How to reduce turnover in your company and retain talent

Understand how an effective variable compensation program can help you engage your team, increase your results, and retain your company’s best talent

  • What it is and how to use it
  • Variable compensation and talent retention
  • Success case
  • Simplifying variable compensation with Score

Abandon spreadsheets

Understand the advantages of using business management software

  • Limitations of spreadsheets
  • Benefits of using software
  • Data security
  • Comparing investment vs. return
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