The following article is an analysis by Guilherme Barbassa, CEO of Actio, on the complexity of business management and its methodologies. It addresses relevant points about management that occur between the lines of organizations.
Through this content, it is possible to learn from practical examples the importance of integration among the methodologies used in a company, how to take advantage of the various methodologies used, and the multiple factors that lead organizations to act in a complex manner, hindering the achievement of results.
Read the article and improve your management processes today!
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ToggleAnalysis – by Guilherme Barbassa – CEO of Actio
The diversity of methodologies has turned the corporate environment into something exponentially complex and overloaded with management models.
I have been in the management field for over 20 years, allowing me to follow the evolution of many methodological waves. Every methodology has its value and adds relevant practices. However, using many of them to manage a company can cause serious integration problems.
Since they have many demands, it is natural for medium and large organizations to build a scenario of methodological diversity.
However, it is always convenient for a company to use the one that best suits its ecosystem.
Furthermore, it is necessary to consider that it is possible to take advantage of every implemented methodology. For example, an area that uses OKR to manage results tends to be biased towards innovation; in this case, OKR adapts well. On the other hand, some areas have very stable processes and need to work on a quality management and continuous improvement model.
The issue lies in avoiding a complex management environment where the management model of one area does not communicate with another. This problem arises when trying to consolidate the information generated by the regions to pursue a global view.
This occurs due to the proliferation of tools proposed by managers, who need software to support and systematize the methodologies that best fit their reality.
Due to the need to connect what is new with what already exists, complexity increases with each methodology that arises, and this scenario worsens considerably.
Managers with specific needs adapt their tools, and this proliferation of tools generates complexity.
The number of SaaS applications has been growing year after year. The complexity of managing applications grows even more as they must interact with each other. Each new application that an organization acquires must integrate with existing applications, leading to the complexity of management growing exponentially. Gartner predicts that by 2026, 50% of organizations will centralize the management of SaaS applications.
The solution to the problem
Due to the need to increase connections between existing management practices, together with my team, I developed Tune, a software with over 17 years on the market, optimized according to the real demands of the business world.
Through the new Tune, you acquire software that includes Project management, OKR, Scrum, GPD, BSC, Kanban, PDCA, ESG, and much more.
I invite you to get to know it by clicking here.
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