It is a fact that technology is a great ally in the daily life of companies. This is because it has been evolving more and more, becoming fundamental in different areas. Currently, technology in management is a primordial point for the assertiveness of processes.
For companies, it is deeply transforming the processes as a whole, from people management to the relationship with the final client. But besides being a trend, using management-oriented innovations has become a fundamental issue, since the market is increasingly demanding and those who remain “outdated” are left behind. Therefore, technology in management is a prerequisite to continue to stand out.
Therefore, let’s talk more about the importance of technology in management and agile management in companies.
What you will find on this blog:
ToggleThe Benefits of Technology for Management
According to a study, 18% of retail managersdo not have technological resources to act digitally. The research was done during the peak of the pandemic, but shows a scenario of little adherence to technology in management of different sectors.
Na área de Recursos Humanos, por exemplo, os elementos tecnológicos permitiram a coleta de documentos e seleção mais precisa e ágil por meio de softwares. Além disso, o treinamento dos profissionais também foi otimizado, bem como as avaliações.
Integrate different methodologies through a single tool
Furthermore, the use of specific programs helps to identify and predict errors, to understand possible gaps in the competencies of each employee, and, based on this, to outline training strategies.
In the production sector, the measurement of results and team performance have become more precise. In this way, the organization can understand the types of behavior and performance profiles of each person.
Portanto, o uso da technology in management aumenta a produtividade porque facilita a produção e identifica mais rapidamente os erros, além de reduzir os custos pela maior eficiência do trabalho e aumentar o alinhamento da equipe. Isso porque, os softwares conseguem traçar o perfil comportamental de cada profissional e o gestor pode contratar colaboradores mais alinhados às demandas e com competências heterogêneas.
How can we help?
Here at Actio, temos tudo que você precisa para aplicar a technology in management dos seus negócios. O nosso software ajuda a conquistar os melhores resultados em gestão com base em performance, pessoas e processos. Tudo isso de forma simples, padronizada e contínua.
Gerencie a performance da sua empresa com uma única solução
The program was developed to meet the needs of organizing projects, goals, action plans, financial control, among others. Thus, the software organizes, systematizes the management model and automates processes, optimizing the day to day and being a reference in technology allied to strategic management.
Então, diga adeus às velhas planilhas e slides, e passe a considerar a tecnologia como uma aliada, levando em conta o impacto positivo que isso pode ter em todos os setores do negócio.
After all, it is possible to grow and stand out in the market while maintaining the same values, having more engaged professionals and technology as the key to all of this. Is this what you are looking for? Working with Actio software can provide your organization with excellent management. Contact us!
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